Shallow Marine and Coastal Research Infrastructure


SMCRI Launch Video

The SMCRI was established in 2016 to develop an array of instruments and physical research platforms around the coast of South Africa and its sub-antarctic islands to collect long-term reliable data for scientific research to help decision makers formulate appropriate environmental policies to lessen the risk and vulnerability of the coastal zone to climate and global change.

SMCRI 5 Year Review Video

Since 2017 the SMCRI made excellent progress with regards to the immediate implementation of this national research platform. The team has managed this through the initiation of key Supply Chain Management (SCM) activities in terms of the purchase and commissioning of the key capital items, e.g. a light sports aircraft for the Airborne Remote Sensing Platform, a hyperbaric chamber, a coastal research vessel for the Coastal Craft Platform, a variety of instruments for the coastal biogeochemistry laboratories