Shallow Marine and Coastal Research Infrastructure


Our Data

SMCRI provides a national network of in situ sensors and sampling stations measuring a suite of GOOS essential ocean (EOV) and biodiversity variables (EBV) following standard operating procedures consistent with international best practices (e.g. NOAA, JGOFS, SCRIPPS). Data are served to the public, freely and openly, through dedicated Web APIs

South African Estuaries Information System (SAEIS)

The SAEIS is a central repository for classification, environmental and management information for 272 of South Africa’s estuaries. Estuary profiles include downloadable literature, maps and images.

Observations Database (ObsDB)

The ObsDB is a central repository of time series environmental observations made by SAEON (and SMCRI) spanning the terrestrial, atmospheric, aquatic and coastal-marine ecosystems. Holdings presently contain >25 million observations linked to 69 variables, observed at 101 stations at 27 sites with 759 sensors linked to 435 instruments. Data are freely accessible for downloading by the user with clearly defined terms of use and citation instructions.

SAEON Open Data Catalogue

SAEON's Open Data Platform (ODP) is a metadata repository that facilitates the publication, discovery, dissemination, and preservation of earth observation and environmental data in South Africa. Datasets can be searched and discovered in the SAEON Catalogue, which also links to the Observations Database, where more refined queries can be made.